Sunday, April 24, 2016

Day 2 driving home

We drove another day but we made some cool stops.  One was Pickel's Gap where we got some ice cream and let the dog watch the pigmy goats until he was too excited to contain himself.  Our next stop was at one of the sets for the Gone with the Wind, The Old Mill.  The mill was pretty of course but the really amazing thing was that the whole thing was made of concrete.  The bridges and everything that looks like it is a very old construction and made of wood is concrete.  It was made by this artist from Mexico.  Anyway, it was a neat stop though Rachel and I had to take turns walking through because Zeus was not allowed on the site.  Many of the people you see in the pics posing were wedding pics, prom, quituteria (a major birthday party when a Hispanic girl turns 15 and probably events.

We eventually got to a very nice camp site in west Arkansas on a lake and had a nice evening even though we forgot the beer.

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