Sunday, September 22, 2013

Back to the USA

We had as peaceful a night as a squatter could wish for and woke up early and Rachel took a few pics of the sunrise as I broke down camp.  We caught the first ferry to a small island of Canada’s called Campabello and then hit the US border. The customs guy was real nice and did not make us feel like criminals for not knowing that we could not bring Canadian oranges back to the US which was nice.  We lost the bag of oranges and about 2 minutes chatting about this and that when he turned us loose.  We stopped at a place or two along our way to Acadia NP. 

At Acadia we stopped at an overlook and hiked down to the water for lunch.  After lunch we found the campground set-up and took a nice hike through the woods up Cadillac Mountain to Eagles Crag for some more photos a la Rachel.  After we got back to camp we decided to go out to eat.  We wondered around Bar Harbor for about 30 minutes and I settled on a place that we both really enjoyed.  I had the lobster roll (which was the best I had) while Rachel enjoyed the coup de gras, Lobster Mac and Cheese.  It was creamy, tender and had just enough cheese for a lobster mac.  There were a afew ribbons of parmesan on top and I don’t know how but they managed to keep the lobster consistency tender rather than allowing it to get chewy.  Everything was in just the right proportion and had just the right texture.  I would not have believed it had I not tasted it for myself and we went to be just slightly uncomfortable.

Our final day we woke up at 4:30 because we retired at 7:30 the evening before and just packed to go because we were both ready to come home because we are both out of cloths and don’t want to do laundry for one more day on the road.  I hit the jackpot in NH because they don’t tax liquor and had it at legendary prices.  I bought more than I should have but we have needed to restock on a few staples for a year or more and have been dreading the price.  I estimate I saved about 90 in all and was able to pick some really good Scotch (and two for myself) up for Danh too.

For lunch we ate at Super Duper Weenie, our disappointment from our trip up when we discovered they were closed.

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